Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

At Aspen dental care we provide you the best benefit of Laser Dental treatment in Bangalore.
Laser has created a significant impact on dental treatment methods. Laser dentistry helps treat the soft tissues of the mouth with greater accuracy, less discomfort and no downtime. Lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. This energy can be used to achieve accuracy and precision in treatments like shaping the gums, gum depigmentation, dental curettage/ deep root cleaning procedures. They are even being used for elective procedures, such as to expedite in-office tooth whitening.

Benefits of laser dentistry:
  • Minimal bleeding
  • Often no need for anesthesia
  • Precise treatment for better aesthetics
  • Faster healing


Could I benefit from laser dentistry?

Laser dentistry is not used in general procedures like oral examinations and teeth cleanings. However, in periodontal treatment or tooth whitening, a dental laser could provide a better overall experience and faster recovery. If you are in need of dental treatment schedule an appointment to find out if laser dentistry is right for you.

What should I expect during a laser dental treatment?

Laser dental treatment is more comfortable due to the absence of pressure, vibrations and sound of a dental drill. Just as with traditional dental treatments, you will be anesthetized before having laser treatment. However, because dental lasers cause lesser discomfort, you may not require as much anesthesia as you would with a non-laser treatment.

Why Choose Aspen Dental Care?

At Aspen Dental Care, you can expect the dentist to listen to your concerns and goals and then develop a specialized treatment plan to give you the smile you’ve always dreamt of. Every patient undergoes a comprehensive evaluation. By addressing the underlying cause for cosmetic and functional dental concerns, our dentists can ensure long lasting, comfortable results. Our dentists are abreast of the latest advancements and use these materials and technologies to restore your oral health and function.

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